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Overall City Experience: 117,338,137

Overall Populace: 1,034

Social System: Welcoming


The city of Mia is a lush environment with a town scattered among it. Plants of all races and life live in harmony here as a family. Plants extinct in other places have been salvaged here as nature's well-being is of high interest here. The town devotes their life to care for nature, and in return the town and nature have a truly special bond. The city takes over a large corner of the region and  is overflown with a variety of colors and wonders. The city of Mia has been growing and living in tune since the formation of this planet.

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Overall City Experience: 117,338,137

Overall Populace: 1,119

Social System: Welcoming


The city of Yókitov is a quiet, barren city. The Yókitov race keep a silence about them in a place where the wind is the sole audible sound. Hooded robes and gowns are common place for the Yokitov here as the dry sand wears out any vibrance of color. A strong mental focus on spirituality is the drive of these inhabitants as ancient history buries deep beneath the surface of their city. The rich history of the planet is told through artifacts and ruins that remain below them as some adventurers come daring to take these for their own personal gain. The seemingly faceless Yokitov view their journey for truth as one holding more weight than a pursuit for a different aspiration.

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Overall City Experience: 117,338,137

Overall Populace: 1,034

Social System: Welcoming


The city of Brilma sits atop one of the largest mountains in Doa. Isolated on top of the mountain, the city is a strategic and safe place to inhabit. Enemies cannot get close to these walls without being spotted. The cold atmosphere of the north leads to multi-layered clothing for most of the town. The townsfolk, also known as Brilmen, work in the ore mines of the mountain. They collect multiple different gems and ores to create valuable jewelry and armor inside the city. Being one of the biggest crafting cities, Brilma does not visit trade caravans often as they tend to fend and provide for themselves. Food is gathered from the hunters of the city as hunting is a sacred tradition for the Brilmen. Before killing an animal, it is given a practice of great compassion to make the death of it's physical body a more peaceful passing. In terms of armsmen of the city, the Brilmen are considered to be one of the strongest forces in all of Doa. The armsmen are built like boulders and a generally giant compared to the other races across the land. They are well-versed with a weapon and are well taught in the techniques of battle. With all the strength they wield, they seldom do any provoking. The Brilmen way of life is to preserve what is right and fight for the what is best for the common good of Doa.



Doan name.png


Overall City Experience: 117,338,137

Overall Populace: 1,034

Social System: Welcoming


Tás is a vast city that sits among the eastern hills. The city is naturally divided into two areas because of a difference in elevation. As one of the most populated cities of Doa, the city of Tás is an economic work-horse. From custom stitched shoes, to unique swords one of a kind to any, this city produces some of the most unique pieces available for trade. Each family in Tás dedicates themselves to a trade and good in exchange for other goods and trade. This system makes the city of Tás self-reliant and a major trade city of Doa. The city separates itself into a left and right hemisphere. The left hemisphere, known as Ravigos, is populated with inhabitants that forge armor, weapons, and utilitarian tools made to build structures of all varieties. The right hemisphere, known as Ereisen, is populated with inhabitants known for crafting jewelry, clothing, and glasswares. They are most known for their historical pieces of written literature and music described as the 'divine sound' . Both hemispheres connect via a bridge in the center of the city called 'The Venandra'. The Venandra bridge is taken to pass goods over to each side daily, making each hemispheres' marketplace quite varied in their selection. The city of Tás thrives and is seen as one of the most wealthiest and powerful cities in all of Doa.

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                     The city of Nia'cal lies inside the Diemens Mountains. Considered one of the largest works of art ever made, the city of Nia'cal is made all of stone. Detailed and symbolic stories fill the walls, chiseled with some of the most insightful knowledge ever to known. Also known as the "Library of languages", the city holds within it the largest collection of written materials ever to be gathered into one place. The collection includes written records of experiments, observations, languages, and many histories. Among the written records are languages and dialects from all of Doa. The people of Nia'cal became the mediators between races,  directing clear communication with one's other. The city sits inside the prominent Diemens Mountains, below a large opening in the mountain top, and is an artistically chiseled metropolis. Nia'cal has been a fortress of knowledge and a fortress of shelter for those who do not have a home.

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Overall City Experience: 193,197,862

Overall Populace: 4,862

Social System: Welcoming





                 The city of Baramora is the city of shadows. Known most for their unique knives and daggers, the city practices the art of stealth to the finest detail. The populace is almost completely Boramora as tall buildings and tight living quarters allow all to gaze down upon the skinny alleyways of the city. These race of Boramora used to be known as the 'Reinmen'. The Reinmen were an over-stimulated race of wild savages that discovered canceling a sense would amplify a better understanding of their other senses. The covering of their sight changed the Reinmen, as these wild beings were now tamed and calm with intent. This radical change is noted as the evolutionary shift from Reinmen, to the Boramora. The Boramora  built their city as a shrine to the shadow practices, and teach generations of meticulous detail about the true art of stealth, to their large population of kin. As with detail in stealth, their wealth is primary done with the sale of enchanted goods. Some Boramora have found ways to enchant items to offset missing energies of the body. As secret people living in the shadows, they have a large presence in the form of enchantment items around the planet.

Palacious name.png


Overall City Experience: 357,890,771

Overall Populace: 68,998

Social System: Stay Distant


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Overall City Experience: 117,338,137

Overall Populace: 1,034

Social System: Welcoming


Próe, one of the first cities ever to settle.  In ancient history , the beings of the planet lived amongst one another. They did not live in separate groups until a group known as the 'Galapróe' was formed. The group explored the art of fighting and took many respects to make sure the art form was more respected than any of the final outcomes. The popularity of the group began rising as the Galapróe invited all others to join in on the art. The group now was a separate community from a one conglomerate of all living beings. It was here where the heart of different fighting styles and philosophies began. The city is a vast wooden town with small arenas surrounding it. A colossal arena sits in center of the city and populations from all over Doa come to view grand displays and competitive fighting battles. The city is not an economic superpower, but when it comes to war they have arguably the largest group of well-trained fighters on the planet. The original group of Galapróe decided to shorten the name, without 'gala' at the beginning meaning 'art', and have since used the name 'Próe' known to mean battle. The town welcomes all races and is known to be very accepting to wandering travelers with no place to go.

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Doan name.png


Overall City Experience: 117,338,137

Overall Populace: 18

Social System: Welcoming


The city of Quom is home to one of the most arduous battles to take place.  The people of Quom were primarily Doan settlers, in a city known for it's musical instruments. A race known as the Moza were searching for the ancient city of Yokitov, when they came across Quom.  By mistake, the Moza began a tirade against Quom thinking it was the ancient city. When no artifacts were found, the city of Quom became victim of a tortuous regime. The Moza believed to truly kill you must, "disease fear into their very soul". The town turned into a torturous shine of bad energy and in only short time was attacked by another race known as the Altari.  The Altari were known for ruthless killing and came in contact with the Moza occupants. Both then linked in arms to continue to poison the consciousness of the Doan people by not only destroying their minds, but mutilating and physically ripping their bodies to shreds. After the Doan population was decimated from the town, the Altari looked to then wipe the Moza off the planet in a gruesome war that has been the subject of many stories and art paintings. The Moza numbers eventually succeeded the war and were in belief that the city of Yokitov was destroyed. In a mistake that saved an ancient city, Quom sits silently atop a hill that is now seen as a cursed place.



Doan name.png


Overall City Experience: 274,864,453

Overall Populace: 3,541

Social System: Welcoming


The city of Riega is a wet and humid city. The city is surrounded by small bodies of water that are constantly making the city humid. Riega is one of the more developed cities of Doa. The town was the first to speak of having no leader, and to instead have a collective of individuals who make the decisions. The group has twelve members of the community apart of it and considers each members opinion very seriously.  With many points of view, this city has discussed some of the most difficult issues in all of the land. The people here push for excellence in the mental arts and are usually the writers of contracts and written agreements between groups or races. One of the more developed of the towns, Riega gives home to some of the wealthiest people of Doa. It seems to make any change of the land, one must first go through Riega to pass such changes. In terms of wealth and intelligence. Riega is second to none. The people here move from traditional beliefs and discoveries from the past, to a new formal way of living. This way of life excludes any magic art-form, higher levels of conscious thinking, and seeing beyond the spectrum of visible light. Anything not physically explainable, or measurable, they have no part in.



Doan name.png


Overall City Experience: 88,437,166

Overall Populace: 2,291

Social System: Welcoming


The city of Covin lies beneath an immense cloud of fog on the covers much of the surrounding land. The residents here are of Doan descent and have  the firm belief that the chaotic pace of the mind is meant to be rampant and fast. Peace of mind is considered death, as the great edge of the people of Covin is how well they react in chaotic situations. With no sunlight, the living here thrive on impatience, aggression, and distress. Visitors are not allowed and their chaotic way of the mind has led to the creation of some of  the most toxic liquids ever  concocted. Poisons with all kinds of effects are made. Some that can turn someone's insides into stone, others will melt straight through the body on touch. These toxicities are still rather unknown to the land of Doa and are usually acquired from traveling warriors. Beyond poisons however, the objective of the Covin people was to follow their inner chaos and reach a state of being completely enveloped by chaos. The people here have an understanding that if one does not understand them, one cannot defeat them. They are one of the earliest races to nuture their inner conflict and put it to use.

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Overall City Experience: 10,103

Overall Populace: -

Social System: n/a


The city of Rovana is a wasteland of wooden rubble. The Ulima of the nearby city of Vielo devised a plan to rob the entire town. His plan included excuting the town's population after taking their valuables and buying outside help to begin a new regime. The success in his attempt is cast in blood throughout the wooden remnants of what was not a real city to begin with. This city was built on the sole purpose of killing the population of Vielo and rising in power. The Ulima in charge was known as, 'Musva'tal Vorma'. In gaining the wealth of the people of Vielo, Musva'tal did not carry out his regime. Rather, he and his army have disappeared from sight. Their whereabouts remain unknown and investigating the cities will find no trace, or valuables, left behind.





Overall City Experience: 693,982,021

Overall Populace: 101,231

Social System: n/a


The city of Balézaká is a rather mysterious one. Rising in an unknown era, the city is unvisited and avoided. The city is filled with a race known as the 'Belézaká'. They appear as upright,  slimy black creatures that have characteristics as no other being on the planet. From the ability to merge with one another and make a wider being, to being able to melt down to a puddle in a few moments. These slimy creatures are made from organisms known as 'Beizm'. and this Beizm is used in a number of different ways. Most notably being used to mold together the city of Balézaká. These beings fuse with water and animals and are causing the waters around them to appear a pitch black.

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Doan name.png


Overall City Experience: 117,338,137

Overall Populace: 1,034

Social System: Welcoming


The city of Tairu is an energy metropolis. With a location on the edge of the water, this city runs mills and is one of the only cities that utilizes the power of water. Small glass orbs populate the city and are connected to an underground machine known as the 'Ova'nolus', which translates to 'maker of waves'. This assembly of mechanisms intakes water and pushes it back and forth using it to vibrate thousands of gems underground producing endless amounts of energy. The Ova'nolus is considered one of  the greatest mechanisms ever created and was made generations ago. It since has remained untouched under the city. As far as the people of Tairu, they have a humble enjoyment for wanting to work. The majority of what people produce are small knickknacks and artistic items that others can use to decorate their homes. Homes throughout the city go from wooden to stone, and are decorated with different colors and artistic expressions. A very interior and exterior design type of city as the Main Hall, and the Ulima's Chambers, have very exquisite designs. A very content city with little to no conflict, they are considered the artists of Doa.

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